Saturday, March 10, 2007

First Fish

Todd took the boys fishing today. Last summer, he took Landon (3 at the time) camping, fishing, and to the Carlsbad Caverns. Landon caught a black bass (which he has talked about for the past year). So, this year Todd told Cason he would be able to go, as long as he was potty trained. Todd gets so excited about imparting his "manliness" on the boys. So, last night Todd announced that he would take the boys fishing (they need practice before the big trip). The problem is that we live in the middle of the desert, the nearest lake is over an hour away. Todd got on-line and found out that they stock a couple of the man- made ponds at the parks around town with fish.

This morning, Todd loaded up the boys and headed out to the park to catch fish. Todd said it was a slow day, since they got there after 9 am. But never-the-less, Cason (2 years old) caught his first fish (a rainbow trout). He was so excited, but not half as excited as Todd was. When they got home, the boys helped Daddy clean the fish. We are planning to cook fish for dinner tonight.


Shelley said...

That sounds like so much fun! Our girls love to go fishing too at their Grammy and PaPa's. Glad you are back to blogging. I check in ALL the time! Hope your business keeps booming... Have a great Spring Break.

Anonymous said...

Great work.