Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday Morning Fiasco

Every Sunday morning is a fiasco in our household. Todd usually rises early and eats his breakfast and reads the newspaper. One by one the kids join him at the table for breakfast. I am usually in the office making final adjustments to our Sunday School Lesson, printing it off, preparing handouts, etc. Usually, I finally get it all done and rush to take a shower and get dressed. Keep in mind, that Todd is waiting for his turn to shower and get dressed. Then I am ready and realize the kids are still in PJ's and we needed to have left ten minutes ago. I rush around getting the kids ready, and somewhere along the way turn into a drill Sargent, "Get into the car...Move it, Move it, Move it!!!" We are consistently about 10 minutes late for Sunday School...did I mention we are the teachers???? And usually about 5 minutes into the lesson my stomach growls reminding me that I forgot to eat breakfast.

I know what you are sounds like chaos, and with a little planning it could run smoother. Did I mention that I am a major procrastinator??? Getting everything ready ahead of time really does not even cross my mind. But, this week was a little different. I decided to shower the night before. I also got the lesson printed off and everything ready. I laid out the boys clothes. This morning ran fairly smoothly. Todd took over as usual for breakfast. While everyone was eating I got myself dressed and ready. Then, I ate my breakfast and had the boys dress themselves. I dressed McKenna and did her hair. Todd was ready and we were out the door on time.

As we are unloading out of the van, I realize that McKenna had taken off her cute sandals that perfectly matched her red and white dress and was wearing hot pink Crocs instead. OK, not that big of a she clashes a little. As we were walking in I noticed that Landon's pants looked funny. There was something weird about the pockets. Then I realized he had put his pants on backwards! These were not just pull-on, elastic waist pants. They were khakis with a button and zipper and everything. I guess he just pulled them on without undoing anything. We immediately had to stop at a bathroom for him to turn his pants around. Which of course involved taking is shoes off, turning his pants around, and then putting his shoes back on and tying them. All of that preparation, and we were still 10 minutes late for Sunday School!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Todd has been gone a lot this week. He is busy with work and has had training. He has been leaving the house early in the morning and not getting home until 9 or 10. I think him being gone has been wearing on all of us. Yesterday I was working in the office on a few things and the boys were watching cartoons (or so I thought). After I finished up checking by email and everything, I went into the kitchen to find black marker all over my cabinets, counter top, and oven. I asked the boys what had happened. Landon said, "Huh?", totally oblivious to the fact that anything had happened. Cason said, "McKenna did it." Obviously a lie, due to the fact that McKenna is too short to write on top of the counter. I had Cason show me what pen he used. He brought me the sharpie, of course. After trying to clean it for about an hour, and trying everything I had on hand including finger nail polish remover, I headed to the store and bought a Magic Eraser Sponge which took it right off!

Today, while the boys were at preschool, I was in McKenna's room sorting through her clothes. I had been talking on the phone to a friend and left the phone laying in her room. After I picked up the boys, we went home to change clothes for their T-ball game. I heard the buttons on the phone beep as Cason headed towards me and handed me the phone. I told him that he should not be playing with the phone and went to hang it up. About 2 minutes later the phone rang. "This is the police department and we just received a 911 call from this number, is everything OK?" I assured the lady that everything was fine, and that I would have a talk with my 4 year old. Out of all 3 of my children, Cason is the mischievous one. He is very quiet and everyone talks about how sweet and polite he is. Most people don't believe that he is the one that you have to keep an eye on.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Memories

When we were at my inlaws' house celebrating Christmas, my sister in law asked everyone what the worst Christmas present they ever got. (This was an unusual question, I thought. Normally people ask your favorite memory or present, or the most meaningful Christmas). Everyone went around the table talking about the unwanted gifts they got in years past. Landon said his was when he got underwear for Christmas (He has NEVER gotten underwear for Christmas!).

Finally it was my turn, I thought of several gifts, most of which were given to me by my grandmothers. They are both well intentioned, but seem to give unusual gifts. This year's present from my grandmother, was the most bizarre of all. A couple of weeks before Christmas I stopped by her house to visit. She was asking about our Christmas plans with my mother and said that she and her husband would be joining us for dinner at my mom's house on Christmas day. Soon after she said she got the kid's a special Christmas present, and wanted to go ahead and give it to them since she might not see them. I reminded her that we would see them Christmas day and she should wait until then. (My grandmother's memory is horrible! The doctor's told her several years ago that she is in the beginning stages of Alzheimer's. Frankly, I think we are beyond the beginning stages!) I stayed at my grandmother's house for about 20 minutes. During that time we had the same conversation about the gift at least 3 more times.

When Christmas day came, my grandmother and her husband came over for dinner. She had a grocery sack with the present inside (she never wraps any gifts). She explained that she had a friend that gave this to her grandchildren and she thought it was so wonderful, that she wanted to do the same for all of her great grandchildren. The kids were excited, they opened the sack and found a book. They love books! We opened the book and it was empty, a bunch of blank pages. The pages had headings, questions, and topics on them similar to a baby book, but nothing was written on them. My grandmother explained that her friend had filled in all the pages for her grandchildren, but that she just did not have the time and thought I could do it. The questions on the pages were things about our family history and special memories. "Just what I need," I thought, "One more thing to feel guilty about not doing". (I have already written about how much I hate scrapbooking!). I thanked my grandmother and tried to act sincere. I closed the book, and noticed the title on the front of the cover: A Grandmother's Gift of Memory!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Our Thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving Day is snowed! This is a shock considering we live in a desert region. It was the most beautiful snow I have ever seen. The snowflakes were huge! About the size of my hand. The kids were excited and begged all day to play out in the snow. I told them I would let them later in the day when we went to my aunt's and uncle's to eat dinner. They live out in the country and have four children ranging in age from 9 to 18. I knew there would be plenty of time for the kids to play out there, plus they would have more people to play with. Besides that, I had some cooking to do.

After nap time, we headed out to their house. And the kids were not dissapointed to find my cousins pulling a sled behind a 4-wheeler. They had a couple of friends there, as well as my other aunt's three teenagers. One was driving and the rest would chase the sled and jump on in a huge dog pile until they would fall off. Then they would start chasing the sled again. The 4 wheeler was going in a large circle and did not stop to let on or off the riders.

My boys stood on the porch for a while watching. Soon, Landon was out in the middle of the circle. He would run towards the 4 wheeler, but by the time he got close, it had passed him by. Then he would start running across the circle to catch it on the other side, only to miss it again. I watched him do this for quite a while. Then finally, it was like the lightbulb went off. When he missed it, instead of running across the circle, he stopped there at the edge and waited for the 4-wheeler to make a lap and come around to him. He was standing in the exact right spot to catch the sled on the next lap. As the 4-wheeler makes the lap and is close to the house, it stops and all of the kids load off and come inside. It was time for dinner!

My heart hurt for Landon. I could see the disappointment in his posture and he made the long walk up towards the house. His face was red from the cold air. He said, "I didn't get to ride." "I know, Honey. I bet after dinner the kid's will go out again." My aunt suggested that I feed my kids first and then let them watch a movie in the bedroom while the rest of the family ate. I thought that was a good idea, because she had her nice dishes on the table (not the paperplates my children are accustomed to). Landon ate at lightening speed and then asked to go outside. I suggested he watch the movie and assured him I would get him when all the other kids finished eating and headed outside.

Once dinner was over, Landon and Cason came running, already with their socks, shoes, and coats on. They ran out the door. The big kids were still inside, taking their time to get ready to go back out. I looked out the window and watched as Landon and Cason sat on the sled, patiently waiting for someone to come out to drive the 4-wheeler. After a while, Luke and Sam made it out there and took them for a ride. They were so excited!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Beautiful Cows

Last Sunday Todd took the boys hunting with him. Todd got on a hunting lease this year with a couple of guys from work, including his boss Tim. Tim is from Ireland and has 3 children, the youngest of which is close in age to our boys. So, from time to time Todd and Tim will both take their sons hunting. Tim's inlaws have also been here visiting. On Sunday, Tim had also brought his father-in-law along for the hunting trip. The boys really seemed to like the father-in-law. He comes from an agricultural background and was talking to the boys about some cattle nearby. He said, "Those are some beautiful cows". Without missing a beat, Landon replied, "Their not women you know."

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Landon's preschool class had a costume parade on Tuesday. As I took Landon to his class to drop him off I realized that all of the boys in the class were superheroes of some sort. Landon had decided to be Batman, he had been Spiderman earlier in the week. Last year he was Superman. There was another Batman along with two Spidermen. There was a cowboy and a military pilot, which are just a more real life version of a superhero. The girls were all dressed up as princesses. One of them was even dressed as a bride. Isn't that what we all really long to the hero who saves the world and women: the beautiful princess. The costume parade went off well. This picture is of Landon and two of his best buddies: Jack as Spiderman and Will as a cowboy (not Woody, just a cowboy)!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sunday School

So, we took Cason for his first day in his new Sunday School class. He was actually supposed to be in another class, but I requested the same teachers that Landon had last year. They are an amazing family. The mother, father, and two children teach preschool Sunday School every week. Landon absolutely loved the class. And the teachers loved him. You could tell they really took a special interest in each one of the children. Each week when we would pick him up, they would tell us how smart Landon is, and that he always listens to the Bible story and answers all the questions. Landon loved playing with the son Cory. Seeing him was the highlight of his week. They would give the kids special treats, and would usually bring an extra one for Cason. You can see why we requested for Cason to be in their class.

The week before promotion Sunday, I spent time talking to the kids about their new classes and new teachers. I reminded Cason how much fun Landon had last year and told him he would get to play with Cory in Sunday School. He was so excited. So the day came and we took the kids to their class. When we went to pick Cason up, the teachers said that as soon as he came in he started asking where Cory was. They assured him that he would be coming soon. (They are convinced no one cares if they are there, only if there children are there). They also told us about the lesson. They talked about how Paul's friends got into trouble and were in jail and how he prayed for them. The teacher asked, "What do we do when are friends are in trouble?" Cason said, "Put them in Jail!" We all got a big laugh out of it...I guess mercy is not his spiritual gift! I think he would make a good police officer when he grows up.