Thursday, August 23, 2007

Shark Boy

Landon watched Shark boy and Lava Girl while at my sister-in-laws house. Since then, he wants to have his hair stick up all the time. This past Sunday he told me that he wanted to have his hair like Shark Boy for church. I explained to him that we could do that a different day, and we needed to comb his hair down for church.

When we picked Landon up from Sunday School, he came out with wet hair sticking straight up! The teacher said that he went in the bathroom and did it himself. He said, "I look cool!" Todd and I shook our heads and laughed. That day we had taught in Sunday School about different temperaments (personality types). Todd and I were both very shy and reserved as children. We never would have done such a thing that would have drawn attention to ourselves. Landon is the total opposite of us. Almost everything he does is motivated by wanting to get attention, to be noticed, or approval. He has never met a stranger. I am so grateful that Landon has such great self-esteem. He tends to be a leader and obviously has a desire to be a trend-setter!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

YEAH... THANKS for two new posts. Keep it up. I hope Todd's hand is healing. OUCH! Lainey is also OBSESSED with shark boy and lava girl. That is the one toy (lava girl) she knows where it is all the time. She acts like her all the time. We should really get those two together more! How funny. I dont know any other kids who love that movie. I need to buy it sometime. it seems we rent it every other week!! Take CARE!!!